Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Knowledge Management Framework †

Question: Discuss about the Global Knowledge Management Framework. Answer: Introduction: The process of Taylorism denotes to the application of the scientific model of management in various types of the process of work that would assist in fragmenting a specific task or action into a various number of categorized tasks so as to increase the output of the production. In the current business scenario, the section of the worker in Australia, America, and Europe would not desire to adapt the methodology of Taylorism as there have been evolving changes in the behavioral and technical aspects of the processes of industrial work. The model by Taylor doe s not happen to add value for the regular workers as it does not enhance the level of skills and there is no outcome regarding wisdom included in accepting this old theory of work (Axelrod VanDeveer, 2014). As knowledge and skills associated with work do not happen to be enhanced by the Taylorism model, the regular workers would not be pleased to be involved in the mechanical process that does not include any type of transfer o f knowledge and skills. Application of Taylorism model can be fruitful to a specific extent in the structuring aspect of various scripts for the application in Webhelp which is a UK based call centre. The functions and operations that are involved in the scenario of Webhelp are mostly categorized in different categories that are based on different sectors which specialize in specific departments (Fabricius et al., 2013). There is a possibility for dividing the model of work in Webhelp based on the particular area of knowledge, expertise and role or job of authorities and respectively the job can be allotted to the employees in Webhelp by incorporating the Taylor scientific management model. However, a variety of cases that involve a completely new or varying situation, this specific method of work will not be productive as it needs a very different type of resolution (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Clip is presenting the history from past 100 ago- Some would say that the world has moved on and these ideas are out of date. However, need of Taylorism process in some parts of the world today. The Taylorism process is very old; however, there will be some industries and processes of the business around the world which can apply these methods of work in a very productive and effective manner (Laudon Laudon, 2016). The underlying rules and principles which are adopted can relate to the effective application of Taylorism methods to obtain profitable outcomes. Corporate culture instilled in HRM practices and customer satisfaction Zappos has integrated a very unconventional strategy in its process of recruitment which is paying the newly hired employees right after the first training week post joining in the company to quit. The newly recruited employees who would opt to quit the company the very moment would be awarded an extra $ 1000. This kind of unconventional and unique employee retention strategy has been fruitful for the online shoe retail company in gaining deep commitment level from its current employees, mostly for checking and keeping the newly recruited employees who are willing to actually work for the company. The work culture of human adapted by Zappos has been productive for the company in keeping the human resources, irrespective of the fact that they are old or new, to be enthusiastic and proactive for working in the company which helps the company in providing best customer service (Mangan Lalwani, 2016). The employees working in this company have the liberty of making a decision regarding the work culture each year. The objective of the company is to have retention of the new employees by the approach of paying them for layering out the most interested and best employees so that the company can provide best services to the customers. This is also materialized by paying the employees that have the possibility of engaging very less in engaging to provide service to Zappos. The CEO of Zappos, Toney Hsieh, very strongly believes in inculcating a great culture of work in the company. A flexible culture of work facilitates a way for inviting increased sales generation and better service to the customers. Structuring an excellent image of the brand becomes very convenient when the company has a great culture of organizations. An enhanced culture of organization would result in generating better revenue and increasing optimizing profits for a longer term. An innovative and flexible culture in the company would result in giving the employees satisfied and more interested in working for the company even during the market crisis (Pawlowski Bick, 2015). A very flexible and open culture of work also assists in enhancing the creativity and innovation pool of the company that results in the generation of many qualitative and quantitative ideas. The online shoe retail company, having a variable number of creative ideas would lead to the innovation in both the produ cts and services along with the entire company that would be very much productive for the online retail company for a very long term (Stark, 2015). Conclusion From the first activity in the assignment, the benefits of using scientific management model in various processes of work could be obtained. It could be obtained that using the approach of categorizing the major task into various sub-task would help in increasing the output in regards to productivity in any business organization. In the second activity, the effectiveness of using unconventional employee retention methods could be learned. It was also comprehended that the innovative approach of retaining and awarding the newly hired employees only after few days of appointment could also result in an enhanced dedication of the employees for the company on a longer term. References Axelrod, R.S. and VanDeveer, S.D. eds., 2014. The global environment: institutions, law, and policy. CQ Press. Fabricius, C., Koch, E., Turner, S. and Magome, H. eds., 2013. Rights resources and rural development: Community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa. Routledge. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014. Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2016. Management information system. Pearson Education India. Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C., 2016. Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Pawlowski, J.M. and Bick, M., 2015. The global knowledge management framework: Towards a theory for knowledge management in globally distributed settings. Lead. Issues Knowl. Manag. Vol. Two, 2, p.134. Stark, J., 2015. Product lifecycle management. In Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1) (pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing.

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